The Facts on Water Fluoridation from Your Dentist Weatherford Residents

October 5, 2015

Woman on porch with jug of tap water thanks to recommendation from the dentist weaterford residents preferIn recent years, fluoridated water has come under attack for being unsafe, but 70 years of research by the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says otherwise. Areas where water has the recommended .7 mg/L fluoride concentration see a reduction in the number of adults and children with cavities. In fact, children who do not drink fluoridated water have three times more cavities. At Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of Weatherford, we emphasize preventive dentistry to help patients keep their natural smiles for life, and the best preventive plan includes drinking fluoridated water, brushing and flossing, and visiting our office twice each year. Call to find out more or to schedule your appointment today.