Implant Dentures Weatherford

Replacing All Your Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Are dental implants still a viable option for re-completing your smile even when all or most of your teeth are missing? For many patients, the answer is yes! Implant dentures allow our team at Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of Weatherford to efficiently replace an entire arch of teeth with just a few well-placed implant posts. To learn more about implant dentures in Weatherford and the many benefits they offer, read below or give our office a call.

Why Choose Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of Weatherford for Implant Dentures?

  • Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Procedures
  • Advanced Technology for More Precise Care
  • Team Committed to Keeping Patients Comfortable

What Are Implant Dentures?

Illustration of implant dentures in Weatherford replacing a lower arch of teeth

A traditional denture stays on your gums thanks to natural suction. Meanwhile, implant dentures are anchored in place with sturdy dental implant posts, which are surgically inserted into the jaw. Thanks to this approach, your new teeth will have enhanced stability and chewing power.

Our team may suggest getting either fixed or removable implant dentures based on the specifics of your situation.

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

A fixed implant denture will only ever be removed by your dentist. Otherwise, it will always stay anchored to your mouth. This approach does require more implant posts, but it also allows you to brush and floss your denture the same way you would your natural teeth.

Removable Implant Dentures

A removable implant denture is designed so that you can take it out of your mouth whenever you want, which can make it much easier to clean the area under it. This option requires fewer implant posts, so it’s often a good choice for those who don’t have as much bone density in their jaws.

The Implant Denture Process

Senior man in dental chair looking up at his dentist

First, our team will need to examine your mouth to determine your eligibility for the procedure. Some patients can only receive dental implants after preliminary treatments such as bone grafting have been performed. Once your jaw is ready, a specific number of implant posts will be inserted at carefully chosen points in your mouth.

It will take a matter of months for your implant posts to finish fusing with the surrounding bone. Once they do, we can attach abutments to each post. The final step is to use the abutments to anchor a personalized denture to the dental implants.

Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

Senior woman with glasses smiling outside on sunny day

If you’re trying to figure out whether you’re a candidate for implant dentures, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you missing all or most of your teeth?
  • Is your mouth free of gum disease?
  • Is there plenty of bone density in your jaw?
  • Can you commit to a lifetime of excellent oral hygiene after receiving dental implants?

If you’re able to answer yes to the above questions (or are willing to undergo preliminary work to address any existing issues that might affect your candidacy), then implant dentures are likely worth considering in your case. Schedule a consultation with our team as soon as possible to find out whether this treatment is truly right for you.

Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

Illustration of dentures being attached to dental implants
  • Your new teeth won’t slip at inopportune moments.
  • Your completed smile will look and feel natural.
  • You will be able to eat a wide variety of foods again.
  • The implant posts will help stop bone loss in your jaw.
  • You can often expect dental implants to last for decades with good maintenance.