Tongue-Tie Quiz Weatherford

Does Your Child Have a Tongue-Tie?

Please answer the following questions below to see if your child has a tongue-tie.

Baby Issues (Past or Present)

Clicking or smacking noise when eating Painful nursing or shallow latch Excessive gassiness or fussiness Difficulty bottle-feeding Experiencing Decreased Milk Production Reflux or spitting up often Slow or poor weight gain Milk dribbling out of the mouth when eating Flattened Nipples After Breastfeeding Prolonged feeding time at the breast or on the bottle Lip Blisters Coated Tongue Popping On And Off of Breast or Bottle While Feeding

Child to Adult Issues

Slow eater or trouble finishing a meal Spitting out food or packing food in cheeks Jaw joint (TMJ) issues (popping, clicking, or pain) Frustration With Communication Speech delay Frequent headaches or neck pain Choking or gagging on liquids or foods Picky eater, especially with textures (e.g. meat, mashed potatoes) Grinds teeth at night Sleeps with mouth open Snores (quiet or loud) Restless sleep (kicking or moving while asleep) Crooked, crowded teeth, or highly-arched palate Thumb or finger sucking or prolonged pacifier use Trouble with speech sounds, hard to understand, or mumbling Mouth breathing during the day Enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids Recurrent ear infections Frequent sinus issues/upper respiratory infections Hyperactivity or inattention